Yes you will need to know your email address used on before using recovery options.
Q:I'm a member of the does it work here?
No, we are 2 different organizations so a membership is required in each. We are Joining the Porsche 356 Registry is another great organization to join for 356 owners however.
Q:Forgot my email address used with 356GroupNW Login
If you have forgotten what email you used to originally signup for 356GroupNW Membership please email our website This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please include your name. We will let you know all the specifics and reset your password and send a response back to the email you conacted us with.
Then you will recieve an email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Note it may be necessary to set your email program to recieve into your inbox and not your Trash or Spam box) This email looks like this:
Click on the link or enter the Verification # in the space provided on the website window that is open. You must enter your username as well.
Next screen will be where you change your password.
Now your done and you will be able to Login to the site.
You will see this. Enter your Email, Captcha and Submit
Now Check your email. You will recieve an email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Note it may be necessary to set your email program to recieve into your inbox and not your Trash or Spam box) This email looks like this:
You're set now to login succsessfully!!
Q:I'm a 356GroupNW paid member why do I want to login to the site?
With Paid Member status you will see more menu items to visit. Like our 356Forum, Member Car Gallery, Events Gallery, full lineup of Events Calendar, Member Event Only Registrations.
If you aren't a Member how about signing up? Membership